Food Business Operators

The end of the transition period will come into force from January 2021. Therefore it will be incumbent on Food Business Operators to comply with the new and changing regulations, which will apply to their individual business operations, after Brexit.

Under the Northern Ireland Protocol, goods sold in NI will continue to follow EU rules for food labelling. There will be changes to labelling that apply from the end of the transition period. However, the UK Government recognises that businesses will need time to adapt to these new labelling rules.

The UK Government is working with the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA) and district councils in NI on an enforcement approach of new labelling requirements on the NI market that takes these challenges into account.

In line with previous rule changes for labelling, there will be a proportionate and risk-based enforcement approach for:

  • Identification marks;
  • Food Business Operator (FBO) address requirements
  • ‘UK(NI)’ origin labelling requirements

This approach will be implemented in a way which supports businesses as they adapt to the requirements over time.

Food Business Operator (FBO) Address

Pre-packaged food and caseins must have an EU or NI address for the FBO, or an address of the EU or NI importer on the packaging or food label.

Food and drink producers, manufacturers, retailers and suppliers must change labels from 1 January 2021 with one of the main requirements being a Northern Ireland (knockable) address. Let’s Letterbox can provide a cost effective solution with its registered office service which can be used by Limited Companies, Regional Office or T/A operators. This will allow companies to comply with the new regulation whist remaining flexible to ongoing changes.

Three simple cost effective package types, allow you to decide how often you wish to either have your mail forwarded to your nominated forwarding address or scanned and e mailed.

However if required we can offer a tailored service to suit your needs


This service will provide 1 x Named recipient & 1 x Business name

1 x mail box address.

Mail Scanned 1 x Fortnight

Up to 30 A4 sheets

Bookable Hot Desk


Monthly by Standing Order £15.95

Monthly by Stripe £15.95

6 Monthly in Advance £95.00

12 Months in Advance £190.00


This service will provide 2x Named recipients & 1x Business name

1 x mail box address.

Mail forwarded 1 x Fortnight


Mail scanned 1 x Week

Up to 35 A4 sheets

Bookable Hot Desk

Monthly by Standing Order £18.95

6 Months in Advance £113.00

12 Monthly in Advance £225.00


This service will provide 3x Named recipients & 1 x Business name

1 x mail box address.

Mail forwarded 1 x a Week


Mail scanned 2 x Week

Up to 40 A4 sheets

Bookable Hot Desk

Monthly by Standing Order £29.95

6 Monthly in Advance £175.00

12 Monthly in Advance £355.00